National Infrastructure Commission Wales publishes first report on net zero

October 2023 | Featured

The National Infrastructure Commission Wales have completed their first year of work on the net zero transition by publishing a report titled ‘Preparing Wales for a Renewable Energy 2050’. The report is a result of research that looked at the ways in which the Welsh Government could take advantage of renewable energy opportunities in Wales, what challenges faces Wales in the process of moving to net zero and how the Government can best engage with the public with regards to the issue.

The research was undertaken and provided by a variety of companies and third-party institutions that then drafted individual reports based on the above topics. You can find and read these papers by following the links below:

As part of the process of producing the report, the above research projects were supplemented with direct consultation with stakeholders by the Commission. The report includes recommendations regarding the essential changes needed from Welsh Government in order to expand and improve renewable energy provision in Wales.

To read a summary of the Commission’s recommendations and to see the report in full follow this link.





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