University of Wales Trinity Saint David launches post graduate certificate in Language Policy and Planning

August 2023 | Arfor, Featured

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David has launched a new post graduate certificate in Language Policy and Planning. The new course was launched by Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and the Welsh Language at the National Eisteddfod in Boduan last week.

The university states that this is an innovative qualification that responds directly to the Welsh Government’s agenda of reaching a million Welsh speakers by 2050. The course offers a variety of experience both academic and practical to help students better understand the key concepts of the field as it exists in Wales and internationally.

The university sees this qualification as crucial in the language planning field that is rapidly developing in Wales and therefore requires special expertise in order to reach the target of a million speakers. They see the qualification as an excellent opportunity for those working in a variety of public and third sector fields as well as for newly qualified graduates who want a professional qualification that will give them practical experience.

Ahead of the launch, Kara Lewis, Programme Manager for the certificate, said that it:

‘represents the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s commitment to providing high quality education in this vital field. We believe this course will empower individuals to excel in the language policy and planning field leading to career development, significant personal growth and valuable and strategic contributions to reach the million Welsh speakers.’

You can find more information about the certificate and how to go about making an application by contacting The University of Wales Trinity Saint David directly through email at:

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