Welsh Government launches consultation on forestry regulations

August 2023 | Uncategorised

brown wood logs on brown dirt road

As part of the Agriculture (Wales) Bill the Welsh Government will be presenting changes to the Forestry Act 1967 that will in turn have an effect on the Forestry (Felling of Trees) Regulations 1979. The changes mean that there will be further conditions for obtaining licenses for felling trees and that licenses already in place can be amended, suspended or revoked. It seems that these changes are being implemented in line with the ambition of the Welsh Government to get to grips with environmental problems that result from forestry practices, such as increases in phosphates in our waterways, as part of the Agriculture Bill.

To learn more about the changes, and to express your opinion about them as part of the consultation, follow this link. Every response must be submitted by 8 September 2023 for it to be considered.

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