£300,000 fund to help food festivals in Wales launched

July 2023 | Farm to fork, Featured

brown and white nuts on white ceramic bowl

The Welsh Government have launched a £300,000 fund to help food and drink festivals in Wales. According to a statement the aim is to aid festivals and events to help promote, increase access to and improve the visibility of Welsh food and drink. Another objective is to encourage co-operation between hospitality businesses and food and drink companies in order to increase the amount of Welsh produce on menus and shelves in Wales.

In a statement, Lesley Griffiths said:

‘This small grant scheme will provide support for food festivals and events which have innovative ideas on the promotion of Welsh food and drink.

Welsh food and drink is going from strength to strength, with a number of exciting and high-quality products available.  I’m pleased to be able to announce this small grants scheme is now open, to support festivals and events in spreading the word about the excellent quality of food and drink we have here in Wales.

It will capitalise on the economic benefits of providing visitors with a unique, high quality and distinctive cultural experience, building networks and educating businesses.’

The fund is open for events that will be held between 1 July 2023 and 31 March 2024 and those who wish to make an application can do so until 31 July 2023. You can make and application by following this link.

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