Centre for Welsh Politics and Society to hold language research methodology conference

June 2024 | Featured

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The Centre for Welsh Politics and Society in Aberystwyth University have announced a conference that will be focusing on different aspects of the research methodologies used when studying minority or regional languages. The conference will be held over two days on 9 – 10 July 2024 on the University campus. The conference has been co-organised by WISERD’s Research Centre Language Network and UniNet, the NPLD (Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity) run university network.

The aim of the conference is to discuss best practice in research methodologies when looking at language policy and planning in the context of minority or regional languages at a time when many of these languages face serious challenges and existential threats to their existence. There will be a particular focus on practical methods of planning, enacting, and learning while drafting policy and what challenges can arise during this process. It is sure to be an interesting conference for anyone that works or has an interest in language planning or policy.

You can find a list of the confirmed speakers, along with information regarding how to reserve a place and timetable information by following this link.

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