Mark Drakeford announces Welsh Government’s legislative programme

June 2023 | Featured

Mark Drakeford has outlined the Welsh Government’s legislative agenda for the next term of the Senedd. The bills mentioned by him include reforms to bus Services, changes to Welsh medium education and changes to the way council tax works in Wales.


The list of bills that will be presented during the term include:

A Bus Bill that aims to ensure the future of community bus networks and improve services.

A Disused Tips Safety Bill to ensure the safety of coal tips in future.

A Welsh Language Education bill that seeks to increase the numbers that can speak the language.

A bill to develop the electoral system.

A bill to reform the council tax system so that it better reflects changes in the market.


Mark Drakeford said:

‘This forthcoming year will have an unrelenting focus on reform to make positive changes in the lives of the people of Wales.

This is an ambitious and radical programme of reform, which will modernise parts of our tax and electoral system, ensure we put the needs of looked-after children ahead of profits, and create a Senedd which reflects the Wales we live in today.

Our reforms will transform bus services, giving people greater choice about how they travel, and help us towards our ambition of a million Welsh-speakers by 2050.’


You can find more information on the announcement here.

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