NFU Cymru holding their second Celebration of Welsh Food and Farming Week

June 2023 | Featured, Rural policy

NFU Cymru’s celebration of Welsh food and farming is returning once more. The week of events will start on the 19th of June with a special emphasis on sharing positive messages about agriculture in Wales.

On Monday the 19th of June, NFU Cymru is encouraging farmers to promote the importance of agriculture in Wales and its communities on social media by using the hashtags #WythnosFfermioCymreig and #WelshFarmingWeek.

On Tuesday the 20th of June there will be a celebration of Welsh food and agriculture in Senedd Cymru where NFU Cymru will publish their policy document on the next generation of farmers outlining their demands on politicians with regard to this cohort.

On Wednesday the 21st of June, they will hold a virtual lesson in Welsh and English for school children across wales, that will provide information on the farming industry and how food is produced in Wales.

On Thursday the 22nd of June there will be an event for school leaders at Bwlchwernen Fawr in Lampeter in order to discuss the ways in which schools can introduce menus that include more local, seasonal and nutritious foods and will also explore the ways in which education on food production can be better integrated in the curriculum.

On Friday the 23rd of June the week will close with Senedd Cymru members invited to attend farm meetings accros Wales. NFU Cymru states that these visits will be an excellent opportunity for members to better understand the challenges that the agriculture industry in Wales is facing.

You can see the full list of celebratory events here.

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