Royal Welsh Events: Arsyllfa’s picks

July 2023 | Featured

With the Royal Welsh Show starting next week in Builth Wells and the list of events as full and broad in their variety as ever, the task of choosing what exactly to do and see during the week can be a difficult one. The showground will be alive with discussion about the latest news and developments in agriculture and rural life, in a context of much uncertainty about the future of our communities. Arsyllfa has decided to create a list of the seminars and discussion sessions that we think will be of most interest to our readers and collecting them in one place so that you can see what you would like to attend.

On Tuesday 25 July NFU Cymru will be holding a seminar with the Minister Lesley Griffiths at their stand at 11am. This event comes following a recent statement by NFU Cymru expressing their concern at Welsh Government plans to carry on with their aim of compelling farmers to plant trees on up to 10% of their land.

Between 2 and 4pm on Tuesday Nature Service Wales will be holding a drop-in session for people to learn more about their work building a grass roots movement advocating nature in Wales. This event will be held upstairs in the Lantra building.

Also on Tuesday at 4pm in the FUW Pavillion, the FUW, FAW and The DPJ Foundation will be conducting a joint session to discuss bridging the gap between young men in the farming industry and Welsh football clubs across Wales. The seminar will be chaired by Professor Laura McAllister and the panel will include Noel Mooeny, Kate Miles and Emyr Wyn Davies who will also be discussing getting to grips with mental health problems in rural areas and the farming industry. You can find out more about this event here.

On Wednesday 26 July between 2 and 4pm Arsyllfa’s team welcomes show visitors to a drop in session upstairs at the Lantra building to discuss our work and our plans for the future of Arsyllfa. Anyone is welcome to pop over, we look forward to meeting and talking with you.

Also on Wednesday between 2:30 and 3:30pm on the first floor of the International pavilion there is a Farming for the Future event organised by RSPB Cymru. Dan Jones (tenant farmer), Rachel Madely-Davies (Meat Promotion Wales) and Nick gates (producer of the film ‘Hungry for Change’) will be among the panel. You can book your ticket to this event by following this link.

Enjoy the Show!

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