The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales publishes final report

January 2024 | Featured

The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales have published their final report outlining a variety of constitutional steps that should be taken in order to devolve further powers to Wales.

The commission was chaired by Professor Laura McAllistair and Dr Rowan Williams, who were appointed along with a number of experts from across different fields of expertise and policy fields to explore the different possibilities that exist for Wales’ constitutional future. The report follows a national conversation held over the last two years, in which there was wide public consultation in order to establish what the people of Wales thought about the present devolution settlement, and how this could be developed in future.

Opinion surveys and road shows were held to collect evidence of public opinion and thousands of Welsh citizens were consulted to understand what they felt regarding the devolution settlement.

Along with the main report, there are a number of other of documents and reports included such as individual reports by expert groups looking at individual policy areas.

The publications include:

The findings are sure to generate much discussion regarding Wales’ constitutional future in the coming weeks and months. For the latest on how this may affect the Welsh countryside and rural economy, keep an eye on Arsyllfa.


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