£58m investment in active travel routes announced

June 2023 | Featured, Rural policy

blue and black bicycle lane

Lee Waters, the Deputy Minister with responsibility for Transport has announced that the Welsh Government will invest £58 in active travel routes in the year 2023 to 2024. Travel routes of this kind allow people to walk and cycle separately from motor traffic routes. The budget for active travel routes has increased from £15m to £70m since 2018.

Lee Waters said:

Walking and cycling provides a practical and vital response to help Wales meet its environmental and health targets.

The Active Travel (Wales) Act puts pressure on us to deliver on high-quality active travel networks that encourage more and more people to regularly walk and cycle for journeys instead of using a car.

Today’s funding is another substantial investment that will help us deliver ambitious plans across Wales that have all been designed to connect people with where they love and where they need to go.

The Welsh Government says that the £58m will lead to 37 new active travel routes being built. It is possible to see where and how the money will be spent in every part of Wales by following this link.

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