Mark Drakeford launches plan to expand National Forest for Wales

June 2023 | Featured, Rural policy

green moss on brown tree trunk

Mark Drakeford has launched the National Forest for Wales Status Scheme that aims to ensure a way of including woodland that isn’t directly owned by the Welsh Government in the National Forest for Wales.

These will include small woodlands located in towns and cities, woodlands under community ownership, wood on private land and on farms along with large tracts of land thar are owned by local authorities and charities. The scheme also aims to include forestry that produces wood for commercial purposes.

Anyone who owns or has responsibility over such pieces of land that is also well maintained and is eligible to be included in the scheme can apply to do so. Specifically, the scheme is looking for woodland that conforms to the following criteria:

Woodland of high quality, that is well maintained

Woodlands that are accessible and ensure good access for people to use them

Woodlands that are varied in their species and their planting

Mark Drakefor said of the scheme:

‘We’re fortunate to have so many thriving woodlands across Wales. We want to protect them and help them flourish, increasing their biodiversity and strengthening their ecosystems.

There are clear benefits from doing so – opening up more outdoor spaces, which are good for our wellbeing, as well as creating new green job opportunities.

Creating a National Forest for Wales is a key part of the actions we must take now to keep us on track to becoming a net zero nation by 2050.’

The National Forest for Wales was launched in 2020, with the aim of ensuring the future of present woodlands and expanding the number of trees planted in Wales in order to create a network of woodlands for the people of Wales.

You can read an outline of the criteria required in order to join this next phase of the scheme on Natural Resources Wales’ website.

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