New report by NFU Cymru launched in the Senedd

June 2023 | Featured, Rural policy

NFU Cymru’s Next Generation Group have launched a new report have launched a new Report in Cardiff Bay. The group is formed of stakeholders from across the farming sector in Wales with the aim of representing and giving a voice to younger people within the industry. The aim of the report is to show how certain policies could be adopted by the Welsh Government in order secure a prosperous future for the next generation of farmers in Wales.


The report celebrates the contribution of young farmers to the farming sector in Wales and outlines specific policy demands by NFU Cymru, which include:


Improving access to land so that newcomers to the industry can establish themselves and improve the use of that land.

Increase access to financing for young farmers.

Prioritise locally produced food in the procurement process.

Calling on local authorities to recognise the importance of the council farm network.

Ensure that the farming sector in Wales is accurately portrayed on the school curriculum.


The launch of the report coincided with the end of Welsh Farming Week, which saw events across Wales to promote Welsh produce and to show Support the industry. The event was sponsored by Sam Kurtz, the Senedd Member for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire.


You can read the full report here.

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