Urdd opens new environmental and wellness residential centre in Pentre Ifan

September 2023 | Featured

Urdd Gobaith Cymru have opened a new camp in Pembrokeshire that will have an emphasis on living sustainably. The Environmental and Wellbeing Residential Centre has space for 8,000 young people to visit each year, providing a unique experience detached from the digital world in the name of ensuring wellbeing and learning environmental principles. The site was created following a consultation with Urdd members, who saw the need for the movement to prioritise the environment and wellbeing in their work.

Those visiting will be able to take part in activities such as bushcraft, sustainable fashion workshops, yoga and mindfulness, stargazing and growing food. The centre includes glamping accommodation, catering facilities and a herb garden with an outdoor kitchen to prepare food.

In the launch on Thursday 28 September 2023, the residential centre was formally opened by Julie James and Jeremy Miles. Jeremy Miles said:

‘I’m pleased to officially open this unique project. The Urdd has done brilliant work listening to and creating a centre that focuses on the environment, young people’s wellbeing, and the Welsh language. Our Curriculum for Wales is all about listening to pupils and learning in a way that engages them. The climate and nature emergency, as well as wellbeing, are central to the Curriculum and form part of every learner’s education. I’m delighted that Pentre Ifan will help learners connect with and respect nature, support their mental and physical health and develop healthy relationships with technology.’

Sian Lewis, Chief Executive of the Urdd said:

‘One of the secrets of the Urdd’s success is the fact it listens to its members and encompasses so many aspects of their lives. Developing Pentre Ifan is proof of that, as it is based on the vision of our young people.’

‘The Urdd is committed to connecting young people with nature and empowering them to protect the environment and Pentre Ifan will enable us to continue to have a positive impact on future generations’ emotional wellbeing and mental health. This is another step forward in the organisation’s development project for its residential centres, enabling us to promote outdoor learning and wellbeing while supporting the Curriculum for Wales.’

The funding for developing Pentre Ifan Environmental and Wellbeing Residential Centre came through a combined grant from the Welsh Government, the Garfield Weston Foundation and The Prince of Wales Charitable Fund. For mor information about the project, visit the Urdd’s website.



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