Welsh Affairs Committee launches inquiry into population change

July 2023 | Uncategorised

The Welsh Affairs Committee in Westminster have launched a new inquiry that will look at the effect that population change is having on Wales. According to a statement by the Committee, Wales has a higher proportion of older people than other areas of the United Kingdom and the number of people between 15 and 64 has also fallen.

The aim of the inquiry is to get to grips with the reasons for this change and the effect such a shift has on Wales. The Committee will also look at possible solutions to the problems that this could cause. Stephen Crabb, chairman of the Committee said:

‘The population of Wales is changing. Growth is slowing overall, while some areas such as Ceredigion are seeing an outright decline in residents. The population is getting older across the whole of Wales, and Cardiff, Newport and Bridgend are the only places that have experienced an increase in the number of working age people. Our Committee wants to shine a spotlight on these trends and ask what they mean for Wales.

We are especially keen to understand why younger people appear to be leaving Wales – particularly in areas that are Welsh speaking.  We will specifically be looking at the impact these trends have on the Welsh economy and labour market, and the implications for public services.’

The Committee are inviting written submissions by Friday 22 September 2023. They are asking for contributions to focus on but not limit their responses to the following aspects:

  • What causes the changes in population in Wales
  • Are Young people leaving Wales and if so why are they doing so?
  • Is there a discernable effect that these changes have on public Services?
  • What measures can the UK Government implement in order to get to grips with the problems that changes in population cause?
  • Is there a way of attracting migrants with the necessary academic qualifications and skills to help fill gap sin the labour market?

You can find out more information about the inquiry and submit evidence for their consideration by following this link.

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